"Hi my brothers, the ocean is behind you, the enemy is in front of you, where are you going to run?, By Allah, that you have is honesty and patience. Know that on this island you may be more displaced than the existing orphans people in the neighborhood infamous. You have been welcomed by enemy troops and their weapons. Their strength is very great, while you are without protection other than your swords, without any power other than the goods that you snatched from the hands of your enemies. If on these days you are still suffering like this, without any significant change, is undoubtedly your good name will disappear, there is trepidation in the hearts of the enemy will be changed to dare tell you. Therefore, Keep your soul. "
The sentence pronounced after the ship used to cross the strait were burned, so the only option for 7000 when it was only the Islamic forces against 100,000 troops to conquer the land of Andalusia, Visigoths, or martyrdom there. This famous speech incited by a warlord who was recorded with gold ink in the history of the spread of Islam: tariq ibn Ziyad.
Early Beginnings Andalusia
Tariq ibn Ziyad
His full name is tariq ibn Ziyad ibn Abdullah ibn Walgho bin bin Niber Walfajun Ghasin Yathufat bin bin bin Walhas Nafzau. He is the son of Ash-Shadaf tribal, ethnic Berbers, the original inhabitants of Al-Atlas region, North Africa. He was born around the year 50 Hijri. He is an expert horseback riding, use weapons, and martial arts.He is one of Commander of the Islamic War during the reign of the Caliph Walid bin Abdul Malik, or al-Walid I (705-715 AD) of the children of Umayyad.
In the month of Rajab 1997 H or July 711 AD, he received orders from the governor of North Africa, Musa ibn Nusair to hold the invasion of the peninsula Andalus (the Iberian Peninsula, which now includes Spanish and Portuguese countries). Together they lead 7,000 troops, tariq ibn Ziyad crossed the strait of Gibraltar (derived from the word "Jabal tariq" which means "Mountain of Thariq") towards Andalusia.
After the sea battle fleet landed on the shore reef, he stood on top of the cliff and make a speech. He ordered his men to burn the ships that brought the entire crew of his troops. Except for small ships were asked to go home to ask for help to the caliph.
He said, "We came here not to return. We only have two choices, to conquer this country and settled here and developed Islam, or we all perish (martyr). "Erratic course of this speech burning spirit of jihad army. They quickly develop the strength to storm the royal troops Visigoths, Spain, under the leadership of King Roderick. The help of Allah swt, 100,000 troops fallen in the hands of King Roderick Muslim forces. Roderick King also had died in this battle.
In the spring in the year 711 AD was the beginning Thariq carve a new chapter in the history of travel next. War in the Rio Barbate raged between the army and the forces of Tariq Roderic, King of Spain-Visigoths. Roderic lose with severe wounds and their bodies never terketemukan until now. "Moors", the Spaniards called Thariq and his army. This is possibly because they set out from Morocco. The Moors have never called it. They are Arabs who came from Damascus and Medina, then together the Berber converts war as soldiers for the conquest or liberation (futuhah = Chronicle) to the Iberian peninsula who finally called Andalusia.
Commencement of the spread of Islam in Western Europe
In the book Tarikh al-Andalus, stated that prior to this success, Thariq been getting the feeling that he never dreamed of seeing Rasulullah SAW joint fourth Khilafat 'al-Rashideen walk on water to meet him, then the Prophet SAW. gives announcing the glad tidings that he will successfully conquered Andalusia. Then the Prophet told him to always be with the Muslims and keep their promises.
After this victory, tariq wrote a letter to Moses, Muslims dedicate this victory. In his letter he writes: "I have to run your command. God allows us to enter the land of Andalusia. "
A year later, Musa ibn Nusair contrast to bring the troops followed Thariq 10 000. Since then, one by one the cities in Andalusia Thariq troops successfully occupied and Moses; Toledo, Elvira, Granada, Cordoba and Malaga. Then followed Zaragoza, Aragon, Leon, Asturian, and Galician. And the spread of Islam into Europe was started from Andalusia.
Moses and army troops Thariq met in Toledo. Both joined forces to conquer Ecija. After that they moved toward the region Pyrenies, France. In just two years, successfully controlled the whole mainland Spain. A few years later they conquered the Portuguese and they rename it with Al-Gharb (West).
It was an extraordinary success. Musa ibn Nusair and tariq ibn Ziyad plans to bring its troops further north to conquer all of Europe. Because, at that time there was no strength from which he could face them. However, the intention was not tereaslisasi because of Caliph Al-Walid bin Abdul Malik called them both back to Damascus.Tariq back home first while Musa bin Nusair arrange a new government in Spain.
After meeting the Caliph, Thariq destined Allah ibn Ziyad. not return to Europe. He was sick and breathed. Tariq ibn Ziyad has carved his name on pieces of history as a native son of North African Muslims who conquered the European continent.
Western historians of the conservative wing, W. Montgomery Watt in his book History of Islam in Spain, trying to stretch the Western Orientalists mistaken perception that assesses Muslims as warlike. According to him, "They (the Orientalists) generally have misperceptions in understanding the Muslim jihad. It was as if a Muslim is only giving two bids for the enemy, namely between Islam and the sword. Whereas, for other faiths, including scribes, they could not convert to Islam though still protected by an Islamic government. "
Warfare in Islam is to turn the human being is not to destroy. That's why, when the Muslims won the war and control of the area is not intended menjajahnya. In contrast to the ideology of capitalism is that it is their goal to fight for control of the area and menjajahnya (read: it drained all the potential areas for the benefit of the nation).
History of Andalusia
Al-Andalus, the Arabic name was given to Those parts of the Iberian Peninsula governed by Muslims, or Moors, at Various times in the period Between 711 and 1492. (Wikipedia)
- The power of Damascus Umayyad period (711-755)
In this period Spain was under the rule of the trustees who are appointed by Bani Umayyad Caliphate based in Damascus.
In this period of political stability the country has not achieved a perfect Spanish, disturbances still occur, whether coming from within and from outside. Interference from the other form of dispute between between the ruling elite, largely as a result of ethnic and class differences. In addition, there are differences of views between the caliph in Damascus and the governor of North Africa, based in Kairawan. Each claimed that they are the most entitled to mastering this Spanish region. Therefore, it happened twenty times a change of mayor (governor) of Spanish in a very short period of time.
Disruption from the outside comes from the remnants of the enemies of Islam in Spain residing in mountainous areas which was never subjected to Islamic rule. This movement continues to strengthen themselves. After struggling for more than 500 years, they were finally able to expel Islam from the earth of Spain. Because of the frequency of internal conflicts and war against enemies from outside, so in this period of Islamic Spain had not entered the development activities in the field of civilization and culture.
Political differences also lead to frequent civil war. This is something to do with ethnic differences, particularly between North African Berbers and Arabs. Conflict a civil war among various Muslim groups in Iberia resulted in loss of control of the Caliphate in the region, to Yusuf al-Fihri won the hostility and become an independent leader in the region of Andalusia.
- Period Kingdom of Cordoba (756-1013)
In the year 750, the rule of the Umayyad caliphate based in Damascus, the Abbasids were replaced with power centered in Baghdad. Abdurrahman Ad-intimate, descendants of the Umayyads who survived, succeeded in reducing Yusuf Al-Fihri and proclaimed himself as Amir al-Andalus empire centered in Cordoba and escape from the Abbasid Caliphate in 756.
Amir kingdom of Cordoba in succession:-Rahman I (756-788), Hisham I (788-796), Al-Hakam I (796-822), Abd ar-Rahman II (822-852), Muhammad I (852-886), Al -Mundhir (886-888), Abdullah ibn Muhammad (888-912)
Then, since the power-Rahman III in 929, called the ruler Amir was then replaced with the title Caliph: Rahman III (912-961), Al-Hakam II (961-976), Hisham I (976-1008), Mohammed II (1008-1009 ), Suleiman II (1009-1010), Hisham II (1010-1012), Solomon III (1012-1016), Abdurrahman IV (1017), Abdurrahman V (1023-1024), Muhammad III (1024-1025), Hisham III (1026-1031).
The beginning of the destruction of the Umayyad Caliphate in Spain was when Hisham ascended the throne at the age of eleven years. Therefore, the actual power in the hands of officials. In the year 981 AD, Caliph Ibn Abi Amir appointed as the holder of absolute power. He is an ambitious and able to build his authority expanded the Islamic empire by getting rid of colleagues and competitors. The successes, she earned the al-Mansur Billah. He died in 1002 AD and was succeeded by his son al-Muzaffar who can still retain the benefits of the kingdom. However, after the death in 1008 AD, he was succeeded by his brother, who did not have the qualities for the position. Within a few years, the country was hit by chaos and ultimately prosper total destruction. In the year 1009 AD the Caliph to resign. Some people who tried to occupy the position that no one could improve the situation. Finally, in 1013 AD, the Council of Ministers which ruled Cordova abolish the position of Deputy. At that time, Spain was split in so many small states are centered in certain cities.
- Empire-Kingdom Period Local
The Caliphate of Cordoba collapsed with the occurrence of civil war between 1009 until 1013, although not fully end until 1031. Affairs of Andalusia and then split into more than thirty small country under the rule of kings or a group of Al-Mulukuth Thawaif, based in a city such as the Kingdom of Malaga, Zaragoza, Valencia, Badajoz, Seville, and Toledo.
The small kings were held Mulukuth Thawaif (King Local) and then clashed, and fought one another for no apparent reason. Just because you want to master each other. The stories of betrayal, stories of struggle and the conquest of a beautiful princess coloring treasure all the hostility. They do not realize the power of the Christians have been preparing to retake Spain. Ironically, if there's civil war, is among the warring parties that are asking for help to the Christian kings. Seeing the weakness and chaos that hit the Islamic political situation that, for the first time Christians in this period began to take the initiative to attack. Despite the unstable political life, but continue to develop the intellectual life during this period. Palaces encouraging scholars and writers to get protection from one court to another court.
- Dynasty Power-dynastic period from Morocco
In this period of Islamic Spain although still fragmented in several countries, but there is one dominant power, ie power Murabithun dynasty (1086-1143 AD) and Almohads dynasty (1146-1235 AD). Murabithun Dynasty in the beginning was a religious movement founded by Yusuf ibn Tashfin in North Africa. In the year 1062 AD he succeeded in establishing an empire based in Marrakech. He went to Spain for "invitation" of Islamic rulers in the middle there who struggle to maintain heavy burden of the country from attacks Christians. He and his troops entered Spain in 1086 AD and defeated the Castilian army. Because of divisions among the Muslim kings, Joseph went further to rule Spain and he succeeded to it.
However, the rulers after ibn Tashfin is weak kings. In the year 1143 AD, the rule of this dynasty ended, either in North Africa and in Spain and was replaced by a dynasty Almohads. During the dynasty Murabithun, Saragossa fell into Christian hands, precisely the year 1118 AD In Spain alone, After the death of this dynasty, at first appears again small dynasties, but it only lasted three years.
In the year 1146 AD Almohads ruling dynasty based in North Africa seize this area. Almohads founded by Muhammad ibn Tumart (d. 1128). This dynasty came to Spain under Abd al-Mun'im. Between the years 1114 and 1154 AD, an important Muslim cities, Cordova, Almeria, and Granada, fell under his power. For a period of several decades, much progress this dynasty. Christian forces repulsed. But not long after that, Almohads experiencing breakdown.
In the year 1212 AD, the Christian army obtained a great victory at Las Navas de Tolesa. Defeats suffered by Almohads cause rulers chose to leave Spain and return to North Africa in 1235 AD Spain again messy situation, under the small rulers. In such conditions, Muslims are not able to withstand the attacks of the greater Christian.The first one is destroyed the fall of Toledo in 1085 where King Al Qadir Adzdzunnuniyah surrendered to the King of Leon Alfonso VII. Then al-Mudiayah Mustansir surrendered to Ramire II of Aragon. Cordova is the largest kingdom in Andalusia, fell in the year 1236 and the kingdom's second largest devastated Sevilla and subdued in the year 1248.
Cordova collapse not only by Muslims mourn, but also a writer Kriten Stanley Lane Poole in his book "The Mohammadan Dynasties" recognize how the decline of the civilization of Andalusia after the collapse of the Islamic empire Cordova. Recognition of the Christian world against the Islamic civilization Cordova can be proved with the British demand that the young boy can sue the British science at the University of Cordova.
Letter of the King of England was received by Sultan Hisham III, which reads, among others, "We have heard the progress of science and industry in the State of His Majesty. We therefore intend to send our best sons-daughters to study in the State of His Majesty in order to spread knowledge of our country is surrounded by stupidity from the four corners. (The World Faces of Islam by Dr. Muhammad Sayyid al-Deputy).
- Period Keraajaan Granada
Remnants of Muslims in Andalusia were still able to survive and rise again in Granada, under the dynasty of the Bani Ahmar (1232-1492). Civilization back in the days progress, such as an-Nasir Abd. However, politically, this dynasty ruled only in small areas. University of Granada and the famous Palace of Al Hambra though it was built amid the threat of an enemy army.
The rule of Islam which is the last stronghold in Spain was ended because of disagreements in the palace people for power. Abu Abdullah Muhammad was not pleased to appoint her father because her other son as his successor as king. He rebelled and tried to seize power. In the rebellion, his father was killed and replaced by Muhammad ibn Sa'd. Abu Abdullah then asked for assistance to Ferdenand and Isabella to his downfall. Both want to seize power last Muslims in Spain. Abu Muhammad Abdullah IX does not withstand the power of Christian attacks and eventually conceded defeat. Finally golden Granda last Islamic kingdom in Andalusia after the light to disperse hundreds of years throughout Europe is lost and gone. Thus ended the rule of Islam in Spain in 1492 AD
Muslims after it was faced with two choices, convert to Christianity or leave Spain died. Muslims were expelled from the earth with the pain of Andalusia. Just want to leave Islam (apostate) who may stay. Who remain faithful to God with the King of Abu Muhammad at invite boarded the ship and sailed from North Africa across the Gibraltar Strait. When Tariq had crossed it with a head full of enthusiasm and optimism upright, but sailing with Abu Muhammad bowed his head sadly and with great shame. Dated January 2, 1492 it was listed as massive apostasy that has ever happened in history. Both Cordova and Granada was devastated with his book the following books of their civilization. In the year 1609 AD, virtually no Muslims in this area.
Concerning the fall of Granada which is one of these science centers, scientists classmate Emmanuel Deutch commented, "All this gives an opportunity for us (the West) to achieve the revival (renaissance) in modern science. Therefore, only natural that we always shed tears when we remembered the last moments of the fall of Granada. "(M. Hashem, Awe To The Islamic World, pp. 100)
Science and scientists Andalusia
Discuss the development of science and technology in Spain, could not be separated from the great work done by the development of civilization which the minutes of the bearer of Islam into Europe's. Could also be separated from the study of ethics and the Islamic shari'ah didakwahkan the preachers. That's what scientists encourage Muslim Spain: The knowledge that one because the world is also one of the world because God is also a single one. The principle of "unity" of this kind of thinking that a corridor of Muslim scientists in developing science and technology.
Not surprisingly, the findings of Muslim scientists in this age is revolutionary. Long before Wilbur Wright and Oliver Wright found the airplane in the 20th century, efforts to find means of transportation flight was conducted by Abu Abbas al-Fernass. In fact he had tried to fly, although not perfect it detects the vehicle.Unfortunately, the history of world civilization of Islam which is based in Andalusi, Spain, it is not recorded by the West. While Islamic history records, closed meetings to not be reference.
After all, history can not lie. Likewise, in the development of medical science by Muslim scholars. In addition to Ibn Rushd, Az-Zahrawi is known as the first person to introduce the techniques of human dissection. Az-Zahrawi who was born near Cordova in 936 AD, known as the composer of his scientific work encyclopedias surgery was used as a reference base for hundreds of years of medical surgical. A number of universities, including those in the West, making it as a reference.
Likewise, the contribution of Muslim scientists in the field of astronomy. Is Az-Zarqalli, Cordova-born Muslim astronomers who first introduced the astrolabe. That is an instrument used to measure the distance of a star from the horizon of the earth. This discovery became revolutionary because it helps the navigation sea. Thus, shipping transportation booming after the discovery of the astrolabe. While geography expert, Al-Idrisi, who was born in Ceuta in 1099 AD, after his education in Cordova is also discovering and mapping techniques introduced by the projection method. A method similar to that developed by Mercator, four centuries later.
Findings indebted European science and technology, and philosophical studies of Muslim Spain, flows into all areas of intellectual life is like irrigating the drought Europe. Students from Western Europe to meet the libraries and college campuses, built by a Muslim scholar there.
Patterns of education developed by Muslim scientists in there, really appealing to students from Europe. In his book entitled Prolegomena, prominent Muslim scholar Ibn Khaldun assess the educational method developed at the time as "Directing a person to understand something through what he did." Simply Ibn Khaldun called it "a learning method with a heart" or "Learning by doing" in our language today.
These conditions are enlightening paradigm of thinking of the Europeans. According to Montgomery, quite reasonable if we declare that European civilization was not built by their own regeneration process. Without the support of the Islamic civilization which became "dynamo" it, the West is nothing.
This is a real momentum into the European Renaissance. In the ninth century, according to Montgomery, University of Cordoba became the gates of Europe entered the age of enlightenment. Unfortunately the people of Europe feel their enlightenment began in the sixteenth century from Florence in Italy.
Ie at the time European leaders have agreed 'to leave' religion in all aspects of life and develop what is called secularism. As a result, the greatness of Islam peraaban built in Spain ended tragically. That is when the authorities there to destroy all the works of Muslim scientists thought. Not only are his works are destroyed, the scientists were excluded. Massarah exiled Ibn, Ibn Hazm was expelled from her home in Majorca, the books of Imam Ghazali's works were burned, thousands of books and manuscript collections of public libraries al ahkam II dihanyutkan into rivers. Ibn Tufail, Ibn Rushdy removed. The same fate also suffered by Ibn Arabi.
Finally, the scorched earth policy has caused difficulties to reconstruct the history of Islam in Sevila, Cordoba, and Andalusia as proof of the greatness of Islamic civilization in Spain no doubt biased, but then vanished destroyed in the Crusades.
Economic Development
Aspects of physical development that gets the attention of Muslims very much. In commerce, the streets and markets built. Agricultural fields as well. New irrigation system was introduced to the community of Andalusia who did not know before. Dams, canals, channels secondary, tertiary, and water bridges erected. High places, thereby also get plain water.
Industries, besides agriculture and trade, is also the economic backbone of Andalusia, including textiles, wood, leather, metals, and industrial-goods industries potteryfirst.
However, the physical developments of the most prominent is the construction of buildings, such as building cities, palaces, mosques, residential and parks. Among the buildings are the Mosque of Cordova, the town of Al Zahra, Ja'fariyah in saragosa Palace, the walls of Toledo, the Palace of Al Ma'mun, Sevile Mosque and the Al Hamra Palace in Granada.
This paper is taken from several sources on the internet:
- http://www.cybermq.com/index.php?pustaka/detail/10/1/pustaka-159.html
- http://www.dudung.net/print-artikel/spanyol-mutiara-islam-yang-hilang.html
- http://www.gaulislam.com/jabal-thariq-gerbang-penyebaran-islam-ke-eropa
- http://www.indomedia.com/sripo/2003/04/04/0404op1.htm
- http://www.islamuda.com/?id=232&imud=rubrik&kategori=5&menu=baca
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Andalus
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caliph_of_Córdoba
Imamuddin, SM Muslim Spain: AD 711-1492, Leiden: EJ Brill, 1981.
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