A Study of Sociolinguistic
Understanding of politeness
Polite in speaking (politiness), courtesy, or etiquette is a procedure, custom, or custom prevailing in the society. Politeness is the rules of conduct established and agreed upon jointly by a particular community so that politeness as well be concluded by the prerequisite of social behavior. Therefore, in Indonesia this politeness is usually called "tatakrama” (manners). Based on such understanding, politeness can be seen from the various facets of everyday interactions.
First, the politeness which contains the value of demonstrating good manners or etiquette in everyday interactions. When people say politely, then in a person that illustrated the value of manners or etiquette values that apply in both the communities in which someone was megambil part as members. When he said to polite society give value to him, whether the appraisal is conducted immediately (sudden) as well as conventional (long, time consuming). Of course, the assessment in this long process more perpetuate the value given to him.
Second, politeness is very contextual, that is valid in a society, place, or a particular situation, but not necessarily applicable sections of the community, places, or other situations. When someone meets with a crony, he is okay to use a rather harsh words out loud, but it is not polite when addressed to the guest or someone who had known. Tasting or chewing food with their mouths say sound rude, if you do it in front of the crowd in a banquet, but it was not so polite to say less when done at home.
Third, politeness is always bipolar, such as between children and parents, between young people and older people, between the host and guests, among men and women, between students and teachers, and so forth.
Fourth, politeness is reflected in the dress code (dress), how to do (acting), and how to speak (language).
Formation of politeness
As disclosed above that politeness propriety compensation reflects how speakers. Politeness (by Leech, 1986) in essence should be pay attention to four principles..
First, the application of the principle of politeness (politeness principle) in the language. This principle is characterized by maximizing the pleasure / wisdom, benefits, taste salute or respect, praise, fitness, and sympathetic to others' and (along with it) to minimize those things to yourself. In communicating, in addition to applying the principle of cooperation (cooperative principle) with the four maxims (rules) that includes, that maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, relevance maxims, and maxims ways; also apply the principle of propriety with the sixth maksimnay, namely (1) maxim policy priority to the language of wisdom, (2) axim that prioritizes profit for the acceptance of others and losses for yourself (3) generosity maxim that prioritizes respect for others and a sense of lack of respect for self, (4) modesty maxim priority to praise others and humility in themselves, (5) maxim that prioritizes match fitness on others, and (6) By applying the principles of propriety, people will no longer use phrases yag demeaning others so that communication will be run in a conducive situation.
Here is an example which shows that the Mr X follows the principle of modesty by maximizing the compliment to his friend who just graduated with honors masters cumlaud and timely, but the Mr. Y does not follow the principles of decency because it maximizes a sense of great respect or to yourself.
A: Congratulations, you're graduating with a maximum!
B: Oh, I really deserve a predicate cumlaud.
Second, avoidance of use of the word “tabu” (taboo). In most societies, the words that smelled of sex, words that refer to body organs, commonly covered by clothing, and the words " dirty " and " rough " includes the words taboo and is not commonly used in everyday communication, except for certain purposes. He following example was successively sentence using the word taboo because it is spoken by students to lecturers when lecture.
- Sir, please permit out for a while, I want to defecate!
- Please permit, Mom, I want to pee!
Third, in connection with the avoidance of taboo words, the use of euphemism, namely penghalus expression. Use of this euphemism should be applied to avoid a negative impression. Examples of students who are classified as taboo sentences above would be a polite expression when modified by the use of euphemisms, such as the following.
- Sir, please permit a second, sha want to defecate.
Or, an even smoother:
- Sir, please permit a minute, I want to go to the washroom.
Or, the most subtle:
- Sir, please permit a minute, I want to go back.
To remember is, euphemisms should be used fairly, not excessive. If the euphemism has shifted the sense of a word, not to refine the words taboo, then it resulted ketidaksantunan euphemism, even abuse. For example, the use of euphemism to cover up the fact that there is, which is often said officials. The word "poor" replaced with "Pre", "hunger" replaced with "starvation", "fraud" replaced "procedural mistake," detained "replaced" laid off ", and so forth. Here lies the public occurred. Lie was included as part of ktidaksantunan speaking.
Fourth, the use of honorific word choice, that is respectful phrases to speak and greet others. The use of honorific words are not only valid for a familiar language levels (undha-usuk, Java), but applies also to the languages of tidakmengenal levels. Except for the familiar language levels, the determination of honorific words have been defined by bakudan systematically to use every level. For example, the language of manners inggil (high barrel) in the Java language is used to people who need social and age levels higher than the speaker; or to the person who is respected by the speaker.
Although the Indonesian did not know the level, you call yourself said, you, you, Mr / bu has the effect of different politeness when we used to greet people. The four sentences below shows the level of politeness when one young man asked an older man.
(1) Where are you going?
(2) Where do you want?
(3) You amau where?
(4) Where you headed?
In this context, the sentence (1) and (2) no or less polite diucapkanoleh younger people, but the sentence (4) was the one who should say if the speakers wanted to show modesty. Sentence (3) if the original speakers of less commonly spoken by people who greet familiar, though more worthy use of the sentence (4).
Conversations that do not use any greeting words can lead to kekurangsantunan for speakers. Telephone conversations between student and lecturer sitri kekurangsopanan following is an example.
: Hello, this is home Supomo, huh? | |
Wife | : Yes. |
Student | : This is her sister, huh? |
Wife | : No, his wife. Who is this? |
Student | : Of his students. He's my supervisor. Had an appointment with me at kapus.How I've been waiting for does not exist. |
Wife | : Oh, so, anyway. |
Student | : Yes, it is, then. (The phone was quickly closed down.) |
The professor's wife thinks that the student who just was not polite on the phone, just because the students did not follow the norms of politeness, that does not use the word greeting when the professor's name. Language students like it could be appropriate in the public speakers of other languages, but speakers of Indonesian society valued less (even no) manners. Therefore, the proper course when the professor's wife appeared irritations after receiving the student's phone. Plus telephone procedures coed who also did not follow tatakram, which showed no identity or previous name and terminated without saying thank you or greeting cover.
The main objective is to facilitate communication politeness. Therefore, the use of language that is deliberately dibelit-belitkan, is inappropriate, or that do not express the truth because it was reluctant to older people is also a language ketidaksantunan. This fact is often found in masyarakatIndonesia kaena carried away by the culture "is not straightforward" and show feelings. Within certain limits can still be tolerated if the speaker does not intend mengaburka communication so that people who talk do not know what he meant.
Aspects Affecting Non-linguistic politeness
Because the ordinance language is always associated with the use of language as communication systems, in addition to the elements of verbal, nonverbal elements are always involved in communication also needs to be addressed. Nonverbal elements referred to are the elements of paralinguistic, kinetic, and proksemika. Pemerhatian these elements also in achieving politeness.
Viri-related paralinguistic features a voice whispered, her voice rising, low voice, the voice of moderate, loud, or changing the intonation that accompanies the verbal element in the language. Speakers must understand when these elements were applied when talking with others if they want to say polite. For example, when there is a speaker speaking in a seminar, if participants at the seminar wanted to speak with his friend, is a polite way whispering so as not to interfere with an ongoing event, but less polite whisper to her friend in a conversation that involves all participants because it may cause misunderstanding on other participants. Loud speakers that accompany the verbal element when communicating with his boss might be considered impolite, but it is understandable if the speakers talking to people with less hearing.
Hand gestures, nods his head, shaking his head, blinking eyes, and facial expression as an element of melancholy and smile kinesik (or something called gestures, gestures), which also need to be considered when communicating. If its use in conjunction with verbal elements in communication, verbal function as pemerjelas elements. For example, a child asked his mother to the doctor, he replied "No, do not want" (verbal) sambilmenggeleng his head (kinesik). However, if its use is separate from the verbal elements, the same function with the verbal elements, which deliver a message to the recipient signs. For example, when it intends to call his friend, concerned enough to use hand gestures instead of repeatedly saying "Hey, come here quick!".
Actually a lot of gestures (gestures) used separately with the verbal element because of certain considerations. For example, because there is a secret meaning, just with a wink to the other communication to those around them do not know the purpose of communication. A father spread his index finger vertically in front of the mouth to keep her child (the recipient sign) immediately shut because he had been joking with friends when the Friday sermon lasted. There are many other examples that can be presented related to this kinetic. However, to note in this context is the kinetic or motion cues (gesture) can be utilized to create politeness, and can also be misused to create ketidaksantunan language. Facial expression smiling when welcoming guests will create politeness, but rather a gloomy expression on his face when he talked with his guest considered less polite.
Other nonlinguistic elements to consider when communicating verbally is proksemika, namely the attitude of care recipients distance between speakers and speech (or between communicators and communicants) before or when communicating progress. Implementation of these elements will impact on politeness or ketidaksantunan bwerkomunikasi. When someone meets with old friends, after a long separation, he immediately shook closely and bernagkulan; continued by telling each other, patting his shoulder. But when he met with former professor, although long separated, he immediately lowered his head as he bwrjabat hands with both hands. The former professor, holding out her hand, patted his left hand bersangkuan students.
In the second example that event, there were signs of differences in distance between the giver and the recipient signs. If the distance guarding two events dipertikarkan, it would have looked odd, even considered rude. Mamsih many other examples related to this proksemika, such attitudes and the host seated position when receiving guests, a sitting position when talking with the leaders in the boardroom, attitude sat a head when speaking in front of his men, and so forth. What is clear, appropriate guarding distance between communication participants will demonstrate harmony, harmony, and the way of speaking.
Based on the above description can be concluded that the paralinguistic elements, kinetic, and proksemika in accordance with the communication situation is required in the creation of politeness. The third arrangement of these elements are not rigid and absolute because each context the situation is different. What is important, how the three elements of communication could create a situation which does not cause misunderstanding and to be invited to communicate ketersinggungan.
In addition to the above three elements, another thing that should be attempted is to guard the mood or situation of communication by the participants involved. Mialnya, when there is an event that requires a serious discussion with, it is not polite to use the mobile phone (cell phone) or received a call from outside, especially with a loud voice. If terpaka use or receive a phone, you should stay away from the event or the sound is reduced.
The tendency to dominate conversation, chat with friends next door when there pertmuan in the official forums, look the other way harassing style speakers, or a cynical chuckle is in part a way that does not maintain an atmosphere conducive to communication, safely, and wear, which could result in disturbing communication purposes.
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