Sunday, August 1, 2010



By Indrayanto

A.Understanding Administration
So far, most people view that the administration only as a mere activity of writing. Such person's view is certainly not unreasonable. In physical activity was largely dominated admninistrasi in the activities of writing, either by hand, stationery, typewriters or computers. Whereas many theorists who suggested that more administrative activities than on it. In fact there are some who say that the administration only be viewed as supporting activities in melengkapai existing activities in the field.
Not all the views so it's true. Administrative activities or stationery or better known as the administration in an institution has a very important output, is associated in various fields, whether legal, social, and economic and others, so can not be seen as less important functions. Much more products in the form of administrative documents such as diplomas, certificates and other important papers will have a very high value in the eyes of the law, if the accuracy of its contents are secured properly.
To be able to understand the educational administration as a whole, it is necessary to first discuss a starting point the understanding of administration. A basic understanding about pedestal administration is completely understanding of education administration.
In simple terms this administration comes from the Latin word "ad" and "Ministro". Ad has the meaning of "to" and Ministro means "serve". Freely can be interpreted that the administration was a service or devotion to a particular subject. Indeed, the past administration was introduced to the king or the ministers in the task of managing the government.
Now the administration has been progressing rapidly so that this administration has a broad meaning or connotation. In that sense the outline among others the following:
• Have the same understanding with the management;
• Telling people to work productively;
• Utilizing the human, material, money, an integrated method;
• Achieve a goal through others;
• Executive functions of government.
Even many people who think even the administration was the same as clerical, clerk, clerical, office work, or work that has to do with stationery. What is meant by the administration here of course, not understanding the latter.
Administration is achieving its objectives effectively and efficiently by exploiting the people in a pattern of cooperation. Effective results achieved in the sense that the same effort with a goal that has been set. While efficient associated with the use of funds, economic resources and time. Besides human and purposes, administration is considering the state of the source. Resources are things that help achieve goals such as energy, material, money, or time. A rare source tends to frustrate the achievement of objectives.While an abundant source tends to waste and even deviations from the agreed objectives.
Many administrative understanding dikemukanan by administrative experts, there is widespread understanding of administration and there is a narrow administrative sense, and some even interpreted as a social process.
In a broad sense according Musanef (1996:1) in his book "Personnel Management in Indonesia", stated that the administration is a group of human activities through regular stages and led effectively and efficiently, using the means necessary to achieve the desired objectives. In the implementation, development and administration tasks that have commonly referred to as an administrative function as expressed by experts such as Henry Faysol, Harold Koontz, George R. Terry and others, including the functions of planning, organizing until administratoran function.
One form of understanding the formulation of a simple adminitasi widely among other states: that the administration is the whole process of implementing a series of activities carried out by two or more people involved in some form of joint efforts to achieve a predetermined goal.
Despite the simple formulation, understanding and equipment has a wide range of activities planned throughout the process and involve all members of the group. While in the narrow sense, as suggested by Soewarno Handayaningrat (1996:2), in his book "Introduction to Science Studies of Administration and Management", the administration is an activity that includes record-notes, correspondence, light bookkeeping, typing typing, agendas and forth the technical administration.
Siagian (1992:2) suggested the administration is "the overall process of cooperation between two persons or more, based on a certain rationality to achieve predetermined goals."
Wayong quoted by The Liang Gie (1992:15) suggested that the administration is "the activities undertaken to control a business. Activities that are planned, organized and led. "
Simon was quoted as saying Handayaningrat (1996:2) suggests "the administration is the activities of groups cooperating to accomplish common goals" (Administration as an activity than those who enter into an agreement to complete a common goal).
The definition of education that suggests many opinions about the sense of education broadly and narrowly. For more details, understand the meaning of education was put forward following the conclusion of An-Nahlawi Abdurrahman (1989: 32-22), namely:
1. Education is a process that has the objective targets and objects.
2. Unanimously, education, that only God, the creator of nature and its various potentials. It was he who require legal and stages of development and their interactions, and the laws for mewujutkan perfection, goodness, and happiness.
3. Education is the steps that must be passed by bertahab various educational activities and instruction, in accordance with the sequence which have been compiled systematically. Children's activities phase by phase.
4. Education must follow the rules of employment creation by God, as it must follow syara 'and Din Allah.
Referring to the above limitations, there are several matters related to the administration. As already mentioned earlier, education is a process. The process in this case may mean that education consists of a series of actions that led to a specific outcome. Such actions could have an act that looked but could not appear.
In general, the action in education is an act that does not seem real. However, action in education almost always be formal, in the sense that the actions were made knowingly and aims.
B. Definition of Educational Administration
Furthermore, to obtain a clearer picture about the notion of education administration, following the author pointed out some formula from the expert as follows:
a. Drs, M. Ngalim Purwanto, in Education Administration in 1967.
Educational administration is the integration of all processes of direction and personnel of all things good, spiritual and material relevant to the achievement of educational goals.
b. RI Department of Education and Culture in the Curriculum Improvement Efforts in the Field of Education and Educational Administration.
Educational Administration is a whole process of joint activities in education that includes planning, pengeorganisasian, direction, administratoran, financing, and reporting by using or utilizing the facilities available, good personnel, material, spiritual maupn to achieve educational goals effectively and efficiently.
c. Drs. HM Darmanto. In the book Education Administration. (2008).
Educational administration is a way of working with people, in order to attempt to reach the goal of education is effective, which means bringing good results and appropriate, in accordance with educational objectives that have been determined.
d. Sutisna (1989:19) suggested the administration of education is "the whole process by which human resources and materials made available suitable and effective for the purposes of achieving an efficient organization."
e. Sears (1950) as cited by Daryanto (1998:8) suggests "Education Is the administration process including the Following activities as planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, and control.
f. Nawawi quoted Daryanto (Daryanto, 1998:10) suggested "education administration is a series of activities or the whole, the process of controlling a number of joint efforts to achieve educational goals in a planned and systematically organized in a certain environment, especially in the form of formal educational institutions."
g. Dasuqi and Somantri (1992:10) suggested the administration of education is the attempt to apply the rules of administration in education. In line with this opinion
h. Soepardi (1988:24) suggested that educational administration is the administration adopted in the field of education. Furthermore Soepardi (1988:25) describes the administration of all aspects of education is to utilize various sources (human, facilities and infrastructure, as well as other educational media) optimally, relevant, effective, and efficient to support the achievement of educational goals.
i. Sagala (2005:27) suggested that the administration of education is the application of science in education administration or as an administrative application in the guidance, development, and control the business and educational practices.
Some understanding of the educational administration of the above, it should be emphasized here:
a. That educational administration is the overall process and joint activities that must be made by all parties that have nothing to do with the tasks of education.
b. That the administration's education includes extensive activities, which include: planning, organizing, directing and administrasian, especially in the field of education held in schools.
c. Educational administration that was not just the "administration" as is done in the school administrative office or offices other educational inspection.
Broad understanding of education administration is a partnership to achieve educational goals. At school level, as one form of cooperation in education. At school level, as one form of cooperation among all school personnel (teachers, students, principals, administrative staff) and people who have something to do outside of school.
Education Administration narrowly understanding of the core activities of routine administrative-record record, documenting the activities, conduct correspondence with all aspects and prepare leporan. Administration of the narrow notion is not too wrong, because every aspect of the activities require the listing of activities.
Educational Administration is a process that is recycled (cycle) starting from planning education providers, followed by organizing, directing, implementing, monitoring and assessment of efforts to achieve its objectives. School administration also includes efforts to conduct management.
Administration encompasses many things:
1. Curriculum Administration
1. Administrative Officer
2. Administration Supplies
3. Financial Administration
4. Discipleship Administration
Administration will work better if based on proper foundations. Basis is defined as a fundamental truth that can be used as the basis and guidelines for action in social life.
The following will present some basic administration may need to be considered in order to achieve success in their task. There are a lot of basic administration, among others:
a. The principle of efficiency
An administrator will succeed in his task when he was efficient in the use of all sources of manpower, funds and facilities.
b. Management principles
Administrator will obtain the results of the most effective and efficient through others by doing the work of management, namely planning, organizing, directing and controlling.
c. Primacy principle task management
If accompanied by management and the operative work in the same time, one administrator tends to give first priority in the operative work. The Administrator must be able to avoid this negative trend, because if he was too busy with the tasks of the operative, then the main job is managing will be abandoned.
This too is typical of high or low level of organization, will be seen from the increasing number of operative work to be done by the administrator.
d. Principles of effective leadership.
An administrator who succeeded in his duty if he uses an effective leadership style, which is considering the dimensions of human relationships (human relationships),dimensions of the tasks and dimensions of existing circumstances.
The fourth principle is necessary explanations. Administrators will be successful in executing its duties if it uses an effective leadership style. The first requirement was that he as a leader must maintain good relations atara subordinates. This means he must know what his subordinates his interests, can generate the motivation to work for personal or organizational interests, seek job satisfaction.
e. Principles of cooperation
Someone administrator will prosper in his duty if he is able to develop cooperation among those involved, both horizontally and vertically. It should be added that there are two principles that can be used as the basis for educational work in school administration, namely the principle of fair and operational basis.
C. Destination Education Administration
If we consider the formulation of educational administration above, can actually imagine to know what the objectives of that administration. The goal is none other than that all the activities that support the achievement of educational goals, or in other words, the administration used in the world of education achieved. This simple sentence that reads actual meaning deeper than what we read it, because in the world of education there are a lot of people. They were in addition to doing their own activities on a regular basis, must also perform the same activities in order to achieve educational goals.
Based on the substance, according Sutisna educational administration (1989:36) can be viewed from two approaches, task and process approach. Focused approach in educational administration duties to answer the question what should be done by the administrator. Studies conducted by the University of OHIO, as reported Ramseyer (1955) in Sutisna (1989:36-37) successfully identified 9 of administrators, namely 1) determine the goals, 2) make a regulation, 3) determine the role- role, 4) coordinating administrative functions, 5) assessing the effectiveness, 6) work with community leadership to enhance the improvements in education, 7) use of education resources from the public, 8) involve people, and 9) communication.
Focused approach in educational administration process to answer the question of how administrators perform their activities. Sears (1950) as quoted by Said (1988:74) suggested that the process approach in educational administration is a unity consisting of five elements, namely 1) planning, organizing, directors, coordinating, and controlling. Dasuqi and Somantri (1992:12 - 16) suggested educational administration process include: 1) make decisions, 2) planning, 3) organize, 4) communicating, 5) coordinate, 6) supervision, and 7) rate.
Morphet (1974:145) suggests the process of educational administration consists of seven components: 1) decision making, 2) planning, 3) organizing, 4) Communicating, 5)influencing, 6) coordinating, and 7) evaluating.
D. Scope of Educational Administration
The scope of administrative science is actually very wide at all, that is concerning what things are included in the language or part of this administration. The scope of this very necessary given the certainty of making it easier for us to discuss about the administration itself. The scope of this will be the limit of the extent of administrative itself.
Limited scope of administrative science elements as below:
1. Organization
Organization is a place where the cooperative effort was organized. The authority, duties and responsibilities to be unity of the barrel. Included also in the process of organizing or forming an organization is determining the goals to be achieved.
2. Management
Management can be considered as a process moving in the administration's activities so that goals have been established completely achieved.
3. Employment
Employment is an aspect with regard to human power sources (working force) that must exist in any cooperative effort. Review of these elements lead to a group of knowledge covered by the name administrsi staffing (personnel administration ).
4. Finance
Finance is the financing terms (financing) in every administration. From this arises the financial administration including budgeting, accounting, auditing, and other actions in the field of finance.
5. Equipment
Equipment is to serve the needs in terms of materialism and domesticity are also naturally present in any joint venture. In this field of knowledge developed administrative supplies (supply and administration).
6. Administration
Good business is all the activities that collect, record, transmit, process or store information materials (information). This administration is the administration in the narrow sense.
7. Good Relations
Tata is the lifeblood of relationships that enable people to work together to know what happened or desired by each. Without good governance relations, cooperation may not be performing well.
8. Representation
Representative is an aspect that describes the party that goes beyond all things related to that common effort, and vice versa. Thus achieved the best possible understanding between an administration with his surroundings.
Sagala (2005:19) explains the scope of educational administration is not only the school administration or the administration of learning. Such a view is a narrow view.Administration of education is much broader than that, though the mouth of all policies is a school or unit of education at all levels and types. So there is at the level of educational administration and policy makers at the level of the educational unit.
Educational administration at the level of both central and local governments related to the education budget, curriculum standards, standards of energy, school accreditation, and service needs of schools as formal and non formal education: education outside of school and education service.
Educational administration at the education unit associated with the implementation of educational theories in service learning, learning counseling techniques, school management, and all activities that support and facilitate the educational unit activities to achieve goals.
The scope of administration can also be evaluated from the field garapannya. Daryanto (1998:26) classifies the scope of educational administration in three areas of concern, namely: 1) the administration of materials, 2) the field of administrative personnel, and 3) the administration curriculum.
Dasuqi and Somantri (1992:16-20) suggested the administration of education in the field of operations has a claim as follows: 1) education program, 2) student or students, 3) educational institution personnel, 4) office facilities and educational institutions, 5) financial educational institutions, 6) aid service institution, 7) the relationship of institutions and society.
Hoy and Miskel (2001) explains the scope of administrative review educational materials sourced from the school of thought brought a social system. School as a social system or subsystem has four important elements, namely the structure, the individual, cultural, and political.
Organizational behavior is a function of the interaction of these elements in the context of teaching and learning.
Can be concluded, according to Hoy and Miskel (2001) review material scope of educational administration including: 1) teaching and learning poses, 2) school structure, 3) the individual, 4) school culture and climate, 5) power and politics in school, 5) external environment of schools, 6) the effectiveness and quality of schools, 7) decision making, 8) communication, 9) leadership.
Lunenburg and Ornstein (2003) suggested the scope of administration include 1) culture, 2) change, 3) curriculum, 4) human resources administration, 5) Diversity, 6) effective teaching strategies, and 7) supervision of instruction.
Donmoyer and Scheurich, (1995:28) quotes the opinion of the National Policy Board of Educational Administration (1989.5-7) suggests there are seven areas of study in educational administration, namely 1) societal and cultural influences on schooling, 2) teaching and learning processes and school improvement, 3) organizational theory, 4) methodologies of organizational studies and policy analysis, 5) leadership and management processes and functions, 6) policy studies and politics of education, and 7) the moral and ethical dimensions of schooling.
Agreed with the above opinion, The University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), as cited by Donmoyer and Scheurich (1995:28) recommends six educational administration study domain, namely 1) school improvement, 2) organizational studies, 3) economic and financial dimensions of schooling, 4) leadership and management process, 5) policy and political studies, 6) legal and ethical dimensions of schooling.
E. Education Administration Functions
Most people believe that the administration is only regarded as the activity of writing and financial bookkeeping. This view is sometimes a point and not unreasonable.Physical and administrative activities are carried out in reality in the practice of writing, either by hand, stationery, typewriters or computers. although theoretically broader administrative activities than that.
The administration in the form of stationery or better known as the Tata company in an educational institution has a very important role, related in many fields, both records, correspondence and even legal problems, social or economic, etc., so it does not can be seen as less important functions. Much more products in the form of administrative documents such as diplomas, certificates and other important papers will have a very high value in the eyes of the law, if the accuracy of its contents are secured properly.
Therefore the truth of administrative data requires honesty and discipline of both executors and administrators, because the administration of such products are usually used to reinforce physical evidence reviewed from the legal aspect.
In the field of education, ranging from data information needs of institutions, curriculum tools to the data origin and economic conditions of students, is needed both by individuals and government agencies and private institutions, as well as for student research.
In order to provide good service for the general public, this would be a challenge for the administration of educational thinkers to create a data format of educational administration and educational administration data management system that is able to accommodate various needs. Along with the increasingly rapid technological progress is, of course educational administration format should be capable of current information technology.
Administration in an orderly and regular education is very important to improve the ability of management education for Headmasters and Teachers. The upgrade will result in positive, ie increasing the efficiency, quality and expansion of education on performance in the world. To facilitate the above activities to be more effective and efficient need adequate information. Information systems in the world of education involves two main points of activity data recording (recording system) and reporting (reporting system).
Administration of an educational institution is a major source of management to regulate the orderly process of learning and teaching so that the most important achievement of a goal at that institution. Are badly needed by the actors to do their job and education profession.
School heads and teachers in schools are in need of data about students, curriculum, facilities and so forth for the daily management of schools. Administrator of education at all levels require such data as the material means of supervision.
For a higher level such as the Office Penididikan start to the provincial district level data for reporting which require higher, to do the coaching, as well as to formulate a plan or program of education in the future. At the central level (national) educational data needed for planning a more macro level, to foster and administratoran, assessment (evaluation), and other administrative purposes.
School education data contained very many kinds and types. There are relatively fixed and there are always changing. To obtain the data changes from time to time, need to be regular and continuous recording using a standard system in one system. To be more accurate recording of data and correct as expected by a skilled administrative staff and find out what was his job.
At the secondary level educational institutions most of the administrative staff is not there as expected. Head of School as an administrator in the school environment that leads, in carrying out administrative tasks are assisted by teachers with a way to share their administrative duties. So that in carrying out administrative tasks and reporting, quick and absolutely necessary administrative guidelines at the school level.
Administrative functions of Education / School. That the school administration has the function:
1. Planning (Planning)
2. Organizing (Organizing)
3. Coordinating (Coordinating)
4. Communication
5. Supervision
6. Employment (Staffing)
7. Financing (Budgeting)
8. Assessment (Evaluating)

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