Monday, August 2, 2010



Tour to Shimla, the capital of Himachal Pradesh in northern India will make you will not forget India, it is because natural beauty and coolness of the fresh air and continue to stay awake until now. Especially now many cheap flights from Indonesia to India, call it a cheap flight with Air Asia and qualified, only if you book tickets from your jeweler will be presented with a staggering price, imagine that you will only be charged under two million rupiah one way fly to Delhi India, though transit at the LCCT Malaysia first.
On arrival you are in Delhi, many friends of the Indonesian Student Association (PPI) of India that will help you provide the instructions and even take you to Shimla with a free (original cost them to treat you Simla, students will understand hehehe). From the Indian capital Delhi you will be invited to the Old Delhi railway station to travel by train during the nine hours nonstop with A journey that provides the experience and served with views manakjubkan then all the way to Kalka, about five hours. Upon arrival in Kalka, fresh and cold air stung the bone, especially if you're up in the morning. Here you do not forget to bring a thick jacket and gloves and shoes that are not easy to be moist.
Next, you board the train Shivalik Express is always ready to deliver you through the mountains to Shimla. Shivalik range of Himalayas means the lowest. Shivalik Express is not like ordinary train because the train is shaped like a toy but when it comes to energy to climb up the rails that you need not worry, this train has a super power to be able to climb mountains. Antique train Shivalik Express, the train was a bit interesting not only because of its unique but also you will be given a seat facing each other and each compartment has a specialized staff to handle these cars. But keep in mind that the Shivalik Express trains depart only in the morning from Kalka to Shimla. Throughout the trip, other than spoiled with beautiful mountain views, hot cup of tea or coffee has been presented in front of you. Fitted breakfast menu.
Shimla is a small town's provincial capital of Himachal Pradesh situated at an altitude of about 2000 meters above sea level. But keep in mind before you leave here, ascertained the condition of your body in good health, because for those of you who live in tropical region, the chill will be felt penetrating the bone, especially during winter (winter).
Usually around 12 noon the train will arrive in Shimla. Like other tourist areas of the world dibelahan anywhere in the area of tourism in general, visitors are greeted by an illegal tour guides. So, I suggest you should make hotel reservations early, so can relax for a moment and put your stuff. Shimla City is a very comfortable place for walkers. Particularly in the area of The Ridge, The Mall, and Scandal Point. Three areas are non-vehicle areas. Government policies and society makes Shimla pollution free. Very clean and fresh air. Moreover, by walking you'll likely enjoy a series of terraced mountains with its peak is snow-capped Himalayas, the eternal, is the beautiful scenery you will encounter. Also lined up a row of storefront shops along The Mall, adding to the fun event "eye wash" your. Although even relatively old city, Shimla City remains "fresh" eyes. Governments and citizens are maintaining the authenticity of the existing building since India in jajah England. To add to the uniqueness of Shimla also has old buildings are not just in manicured condition, but also continue to work until now.
There are several other interesting places that are not too far away from Shimla City, the Viceregal Lodge and Botanical Garden approximately 5 km from Scandal Point, Himachal State Museum (3km west of Scandal Point) and Jakhu Temple in the northern city Jakhu If you want to visit the Temple, when The most appropriate is in the morning, because the air is still very fresh and the sun not too hot.
Jakhu Temple is a temple dedicated local people to worship the monkey god, Hanuman. So do not be surprised if a lot of apes wandering around the temple. Be careful! Because they can suddenly become vicious and attack the visitors. Fortunately, before entering the temple, you can rent a goad these apes.
Arriving at the temple, old and tired of your trip if you feel adakn not rest while enjoying the scenery. There are several park benches for you to sit rest while fresh air from the surrounding forest that surrounds the temple. This temple is the highest peak in the north of The Ridge. From this temple, we can see the scenery Shimla City at the bottom and so does the snowy peaks of the Himalayas.

Indrayanto, S. Pd, M. Pd
The Student's of The English Foreign Languages University
Andhra Prades India Hyderadad

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